The Iowa Division of the International Association for Identification is a non-profit organization chartered in 1963 with the International Association for Identification. The Iowa I.A.I has over 200 active, life, and associate members who are valued resources within the forensic law enforcement community. Our membership has a vast knowledge in the scientific disciplines of fingerprints, photography, footwear, DNA, crime scene processing, and more. Our members believe in networking and they appreciate continued education and learning from our peers. We offer newsletters and information on our website about new technology, techniques, and resources. The Iowa I.A.I strives to educate and share with its members by offering trainings and an annual educational conference. We are Iowa’s regional representatives to the I.A.I, the most senior organization that certifies and sets standards in forensic science disciplines.

Iowa Division of the International Association for Identification
September 14th, 2023
Statement from Hadley Kava, President
Officer Kevin Cram, EOW 9/13/2023

I don’t know how to write this. I’ve begun drafting this statement a dozen times. Nothing sounds right, and words fall short. Nothing we can say seems fit to convey the heartbreak we’re feeling. And, of course, our grief pales in comparison to that of Officer Kevin Cram’s loved ones.
At 1953 hours on September 13, 2023, the world lost a dedicated husband, father, son, friend, colleague, public servant, and so much more.
Officer Cram of the Algona Police Department was dutifully protecting his community when he attempted to serve an arrest warrant on a wanted suspect in Algona, Iowa. He was subsequently shot and killed by an assailant who this association will not name; because their name is not important.
The name we will remember is Kevin Cram.
Kevin and his wife, Officer Lara Cram, have been long-time, active members of our
association. Kevin was involved in and supported the mission of the Iowa IAI, and he took
our dedication to forensic processing and documentation seriously. We have been, and
will always be, proud to call him a member of our organization.
On behalf of the Iowa IAI, our members, and our leadership, I want to extend our deepest
condolences to Lara and the Cram family, the Algona Police Department, and all of
Kevin’s friends and colleagues. Their loss is our loss, and our state grieves with them.
Our institution will do everything we can to honor Officer Cram’s legacy and to ensure
that his name is remembered forever.
Letter from President Hadley

IAI Updates
The Iowa IAI was pleased to have a full class for the 2022 Iowa IAI Basic Crime Scene Class and have nearly 100 attendees and 22 speakers/instructors present and provide training at the 2022 Iowa IAI Educational Conference. We had 8 vendors present (two of whom also served as instructors for workshops), and 5 additional vendors provided sponsorships and door prizes.
We have welcomed (and welcomed back!) the following to the Iowa IAI Board:
Hadley Kava, President
Tara Scott, Vice President
Abigail Sutton, Secretary
Jennifer Ganpat, Web Master & Editor
Matt Belz, Sergeant in Arms
Amy Stinger, Board Member
Brandi Webb, Board Member
Anna Young, Board Member
Adi Johnson, Board Member
Eryn Hageman, Board Member
David Billings, IAI Regional Representative
2023 is going to be just as exciting for the Iowa IAI as 2022 was, so please keep checking back here for updates.
Members: Keep an eye on your email for future training opportunities, the 2023 Advanced Crime Scene Class, and the 2023 Iowa IAI Educational Conference dates, as well as other informational messages.