Section 1. This organization shall be known as THE IOWA DIVISION OF THE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR IDENTIFICATION, which shall be incorporated under and by virtue of the laws of The State of Iowa, as a non-profit corporation, and is formed for the following purposes: 1. To associate persons who are actively engaged in the profession of identification methods, investigation, and scientific examination of evidence in an organized body, so that the profession in all its disciplines may be standardized effectively and scientifically practiced. 2. To encourage improvement in the science of identification and crime detection. 3. To keep its members apprised of the latest techniques and discoveries in scientific crime detection. 4. To encourage research in scientific crime detection. 5. To employ the collective wisdom of the profession and to advance the science and scientific techniques of identification methods.
Section 1. Membership of the association shall consist of Active, Sustaining Active or Sustaining Associate, Life Active, Associate and Student Members. Application for membership shall conform to the provisions as set forth in the By-Laws.
Section 2. Active Membership: The Active Membership of the association shall consist of persons actively engaged in the science of identification, investigation or scientific examination, who are bona-fide employees of and are receiving salaries, or regular or disability pensions from National, State, County, or Municipal governments, or some sub-division thereof. Active members shall not lose their status because of retirement or change of position, so long as they remain in good standing, and they may hold office.
Section 3. Sustaining Active or Sustaining Associate Membership: The Sustaining Active or Associate Membership of the association is for an individual who meets the defined criteria as stated above for Active or Associate Membership and prefers to make one payment (which is equivalent to 10 times the annual dues amount) and eliminates the requirement of annual dues.
Section 4. Life Active Membership: Life Active membership shall be limited to Active Members of the association who have paid their dues and assessments for twenty-five (25) years or who have at the time of retirement or commencement of disability pension have paid their membership dues and assessments for ten (10) years. 1. Life Active Membership shall be granted upon application by the member to and approval from the Elected Officers and Board of Directors. 2. Such members shall be excused from paying membership dues for the remainder of their life. 3. They shall, however, pay conference registration fees. 4. Life Active Members shall be eligible to vote and be entitled to all the privileges of the Active Member. 5. Throughout the body of the Constitution and By-laws any reference to Active Member also refers to the status and privileges of Life Active Member.
Section 5. Associate Membership: All reputable persons, wholly or partially engaged in any of the various phases of identification, investigation, or scientific examination of evidence who are not qualified for Active Membership are eligible to become Associate members. They shall in all respects be subject to the same rules and fees, and be entitled to the same rights and privileged as Active Members, except that they shall not be entitled to vote for or hold office.
Section 6. Student Membership: All persons who are full time college students at an accredited college with a major in law enforcement/criminal justice or forensic science related field. They shall in all respects be subject to the same rules and fees, and be entitled to the same rights and privileges as Active Members, except that they shall not be entitled to vote or hold office.
Section 7. Once a person becomes an Active Member, that person shall remain as such so long and he or she is in good standing and their dues are current.
Section 8. Only Active Members, in good standing, at the time of election or appointment to office, shall be eligible to become officers of the association.
Section 9. A quorum shall consist of a simple majority of the voting members attending the business meeting.
Section 1. There are hereby created the following Officers of the association: 1. President 2. Vice-President 3. Secretary-Treasurer 4. Sergeant at Arms 5. Editor
Section 2. Officers shall be elected at the Business Meeting of the association. The following officers of the association will be elected for a tenure of one (1) year; President, Vice-President, and Sergeant at Arms. The offices of Secretary-Treasurer and Editor will be elected for a tenure of three (3) years.
Section 1. There shall be a Board of Directors consisting of the two (2), most recent past Presidents, if available. The immediate Past President shall succeed to The Chairperson of the Board. He or She shall serve as Chairperson of The Board until succeeded by a new out going President. He or She shall continue as a Board Member until succeeded by one (1) new out going President, or appointed Board Members.
Section 2. Any vacancy occurring in The Board of Directors shall be filled from the association membership by affirmative vote of the majority of the remaining Board Members. The newly appointed member/s of The Board of Directors shall hold office only until the next Business Meeting, at which time their appointment shall be ratified or rejected by a vote of Active Members present. Board Members thus appointed and ratified will serve the unexpired term vacated to which they were appointed.
Section 1. Education and Training Committee: The Education and Training Committee shall consist of at least five (5) members. The Vice-President of the Association shall serve as chairperson of the committee. The additional four (4) members to be appointed by the President. This committee shall be responsible, subject to final approval and direction of The Board of Directors, for selecting the location and dates for the upcoming meeting and for organizing the program thereof, as well as acting as liaison with and executing logistical and administrative details at the site before and during the meeting. The Educational and Training Committee shall coordinate any additional training sponsored by the Iowa Division of The International Association for Identification outside of the Educational Conferences. The Committee will be allowed reimbursement for reasonable expenses, approved by the Board of Directors, for site research and or conference planning.
Section 2. Latent Print Certification Committee: The Latent Print Certification Committee shall consist of three (3) active members appointed by the President, knowledgeable in latent fingerprint identification matters and certified as a latent fingerprint examiner by the International Association for Identification. They will perform the duties as described in the Latent Print Certification Program Operation Manual.
Section 3. Crime Scene Certification Committee: The Crime Scene Certification Committee shall consist of three (3) active members appointed by the President, if available, knowledgeable in Crime Scene matters and certified by the Crime Scene Certification Program of the International Association for Identification. The chairperson of the Committee should be a certified Senior Crime Scene Analyst. They will perform the duties as described in the Crime Scene Certification Program Operation Manual.
Section 4. Footwear Certification Committee: The Footwear Certification Committee shall consist of three (3) active members appointed by the President, knowledgeable in footwear identification matters and certified as a footwear examiner by the International Association for Identification. They will perform the duties as described in the Footwear Certification Program Operation Manual.
Section 5. Membership Committee: The Membership Committee shall consist of at least seven (7) members. The President of the Association shall serve as chairperson of the Committee. The Secretary-Treasurer, and Editor of the Association will be standing members of the committee. The remaining members shall be appointed by the President with an effort to represent geographical diversity through out the state. The Membership Committee will have the responsibility of securing new members and reporting activities to the Board of Directors.
Section 6. Publication Committee: The Publication Committee composed of the Editor, Secretary-Treasurer, one member of the Board of Directors, and three members shall be appointed by the President to assist in the preparation of the quarterly publication of the Iowa IAI.
Section 7. The President may appoint other special committees as deemed necessary.
Section 1. The President shall preside at all meeting of the association and shall preserve order and decorum. The President shall carefully supervise the affairs of the association and labor for its usefulness, efficiency, and success. The President will appoint all standing and special committees, and will fill all vacancies by appointment to serve out the term of the vacating committee member.
Section 2. The President or presiding officer of the conference shall receive allowance for hotel expenses at the conference site, unless supplied by the President’s employer, while attending the Business and Educational Conferences of the Association.
Section 3. The President shall serve as the chairperson of the Membership Committee.
Section 1. The Vice-President shall act as the presiding officer of the association during the absence or temporary disability of the President. The Vice-President will automatically succeed to the office of the President in the event of the death, resignation, or removal from office of the President and will serve the remainder of the unexpired term thereof.
Section 2. In the event of the absence, temporary disability, or resignation of the Vice-President; an acting Vice President will be chosen by lot from the remaining members of The Board of Directors and will act as presiding officer of the association, if needed pursuant to Article VII Section 1.
Section 3. In the event of the death, resignation, or removal from office of the Vice-President, the President shall appoint a successor. In the event of the simultaneous death, resignation, or removal from office of the President and Vice-President, one of the members of The Board of Directors will, by lot, be picked to serve as President pro-tem until the next Business Meeting. In such a case, the office of Vice-President shall be left vacant until the next Business Meeting, at which time a President and Vice-President will be elected. Further, the Chairperson of The Board of Directors shall continue as Chairperson for one additional year until succession occurs pursuant to Article IV, Section 1. Terms for remaining members of The Board of Directors will likewise be extended by one year. The Board Member appointed President Pro-tem shall, after the Business Meeting, continue to serve the unexpired term of his or her Directorship, as extended.
Section 4. The Vice-President shall serve as the chairperson of the Education and Training Committee.
Section 1. The Secretary-Treasurer shall keep the records and minutes of the association, receive all fees due the association, and keep a just and accurate account between the association and its members.
Section 2. The Secretary-Treasurer shall issue each member, upon payment of annual membership dues, a membership card to bear the imprint of the year for which the card is valid.
Section 3. The Secretary-Treasurer shall draw all warrants and checks for the expenses of the association and sign the same when do directed by the association, the President, or the Board of Directors.
Section 4. The Secretary-Treasurer shall ensure that at the Business Meeting, a detailed financial report of activities of all association accounts.
Section 5. The Secretary-Treasurer shall ensure an annual report of activities of the association be submitted in writing to The Divisional Representative of The International Association for Identification no later than thirty, (30), days prior to the Annual Meeting of The International for the purpose of presentation at the Annual Meeting.
Section 6. The Secretary-Treasurer shall ensure that the annual reporting requirements of The State of Iowa regarding non-profit corporation are complied with in a timely manner.
Section 7. The Secretary-Treasurer shall receive allowance for hotel expenses at the conference site, unless supplied by the Secretary-Treasurer’s employer, while attending the Business and Educational Conferences of the Association.
Section 8. The Secretary-Treasurer shall be responsible for keeping an accurate account of all proceedings at Business Meetings and education conferences. He or she shall also account for all minutes at meetings of the Board of Directors if the meetings are not a part of a Business Meeting or Educational Conferences.
Section 9. The Secretary-Treasurer shall be a standing member of the Membership Committee and the Publication Committee.
Section 1. The Sergeant at Arms shall have command of the outer door of the meeting hall and shall prevent unauthorized entry as determined by the President or Board of Directors. The Sergeant at Arms shall assist the President in preserving order, and may perform such other duties as the President directs.
Section 2. The Sergeant at Arms shall determine the voting eligibility of attendees at the Business Meeting of the association in the event questions or challenges arise.
Section 3. The Sergeant at Arms shall maintain the charter of the association granted by the parent body, and shall maintain the flag or colors of the association.
Section 1. The Editor shall conduct mailings announcing the Business Meeting and Educational Conferences. The mailings shall include law enforcement agencies throughout the state of Iowa, members of the association and any other agencies, organizations, or individuals as directed by the President. Notice of all meetings shall be given by the Editor, in the official publication of the Iowa Division of the International Association for Identification, not more than one hundred twenty (120) days or less than thirty (30) days prior to the date of the meeting. The Editor shall provide notice of all meetings, as soon as possible to the Editor of the Journal of Forensic Identification for inclusion in the Journals’ Upcoming Educational Opportunities section.
Section 2. The Editor shall receive all articles and items of interest to the association, edit them when necessary, and prepare them for inclusion in a future issue of the official publication of the Iowa Division of the International Association for Identification, which shall be published two times yearly and sent to association members. The official publication shall be published and mailed no later than the final week of the following months: March and September. The Editor shall be responsible for the regular updating and maintenance of the Iowa IAI web page during its existence.
Section 3. The Editor shall be a standing member of the Membership Committee and the Publication Committee.
Section 4. The Editor shall receive allowance for hotel expenses at the conference site, unless supplied by the Editor’s employer, while attending the Annual and Educational Conference of the Association.
Section 1. The Board of Directors shall be the managing body of the association.
Section 2. The Board of Directors shall approve the date and location for the Business Meeting of the association and any other educational conferences. If for any reason it becomes necessary to change a previously set date and location of a meeting, it shall be the duty of the Board of Directors to direct the Editor to notify the membership of such change.
Section 3. The Board of Directors shall, with the President review and approve the program of activities of all meetings and conferences of the association. They shall have control of the affairs of the association during its recess.
Section 4. The Board of Directors shall have the power to try any member or officer of the association upon any charge affecting said members honor or conduct unbecoming a member or officer, provided the charge is made in writing and signed by the person making the charge. In the event the person charged is found guilty by a majority vote of the Board of Directors, the Board shall have the power to expel, suspend, or admonish such member.
Section 5. Any written charge against any officer or member shall first be placed in the hands of the President, who shall within ten (10) days lay the matter before the Board of Directors for consideration. The Board of Directors shall then send a copy of said charge to the accused by certified mail, return receipt requested, and the accused shall have thirty (30) days from receipt of such copy to answer the charge in writing. If the accused fails to file such written answer to the charge within the time prescribed in this section, such failure shall constitute a waver of the right to a hearing on such charge, and the accused shall thereupon abide by the action and decision of the Board of Directors in connection therewith, without the right of appeal to the next Business Meeting as set forth in the following sections.
Section 6. After due consideration of the evidence at hand, the Board of Directors shall, within sixty (60) days arrive at a decision reference the accusation and notify all persons concerned, in writing, of said decision.
Section 7. In the event that the decision of the Board of Directors is adverse to the accused, the accused shall have the right to appeal the decision to the membership of the association at its next Business Meeting. The finding and order of the Board shall become final, unless the Board’s decision is overruled by a vote of two-thirds of the active members present and voting.
Section 1. All constitutional or By-laws amendments, which are proposed to the association, must be in the hands of the Secretary-Treasurer, in writing, not later than ten (10) days prior to the opening date of the Business Meeting. Proposed amendments will be posted in a prominent place on the first day at the Business Meeting for the review of the association membership.
Section 2. Any motion to change the Constitution of the association must be approved by a majority vote of Active Members at a Business Meeting and, if so approved, be acted upon at the next Business Meeting for final passage by a majority vote.
Section 3. Any amendments or changes in the Constitution or By-Laws of the association shall be subject to the approval of the Board of Directors of The International Association for Identification, and shall not become effective until such approval is obtained.
Section 1. In the even that the association shall be dissolved or otherwise terminated, the assets and income thereof shall not be used for the benefit of any member or private individual, but shall be used, under direction of the Board of Directors until said assets and income is exhausted, for the purposes of carrying out the objectives for which the association was formed.
Section 1. An application for Active, Sustaining Active or Sustaining Associate, Life Active, Associate, or Student Membership in the association shall be made upon the official form of the association and submitted to The Secretary-Treasurer together with initiation fees and annual dues in the amount set forth herein. In the event of rejection of the application, said amount shall be returned to the applicant.
Section 1. There shall be an initiation fee of five dollars ($5.00). Annual dues shall be twenty dollars ($20.00).
Section 2. Dues paid by any new member applicant shall be applied to the dues of the following year if application is made within three (3) months preceding the fiscal year, which shall begin on January 1.
Section 3. Only such Active Members whose membership fees have been paid to The Secretary – Treasurer shall be eligible to vote or hold office.
Section 4. The Board of Directors is empowered by unanimous vote only to levy assessment upon membership when in its judgment the needs of the association require such action.
Section 1. Nominations to the Frank L. Tarasi III Memorial Award shall be limited to Past, Active and Life Active members of the association. 1. That Past and Life Active Members of the association nominated have been in good standing with association for a minimum of five (5) years. 2. That Active Members be in good standing for five (5) years. 3. That exceptions to the above minimum membership requirements can be made by petitioning the President who will then forward the petition to the Board of Directors. That upon unanimous approval of the Board, said exception will be granted. 4. That a nomination can be made by any Active or Life Active member of the association. 5. That said nomination be made in writing to the President 60 days prior to either the Business Meeting or educational conference. That the President upon seeing that the nomination is in order, will allow the nominating person to present the nomination to Elected Officers and Board of Directors.
Section 2. Inductions to The Frank L. Tarasi III Memorial Award will be approved by The Elected Officers and Board of Directors of the association. 1. That all Elected Officers and Board Members review the nomination and that a vote be taken on the nomination at a board meeting prior to the next meeting of the association. 2. That induction will be by unanimous vote at the meeting. That a quorum necessary for the vote be a simple majority of Elected Officers and Board Members. 3. That there be a limit of one induction into The Frank L. Tarasi III Memorial Award at any one association meeting.
Section 1. Meetings for the general membership of the association shall be classified in one of two categories: 1. BUSINESS MEETINGS shall be conducted once a year. The Business Meeting of the association shall be intended for the election of officers, the amending of The Constitution and By-laws, and the transaction of any other business. In addition to the functions set forth above, various lectures, seminars, and demonstrations of informative or educational value shall be presented. In so far as possible, the Business Meeting shall be conducted at a location centrally located within the State of Iowa so as to allow for maximum accessibility to members. 2. EDUCATIONAL CONFERENCES may be held at intervals between Business Meetings. While such conferences are not required, they are encouraged. Educational Conferences of the association shall be intended primarily to present various lectures, seminars, and demonstrations of informative or educational value; however any business may be brought before the association, providing a quorum is present. In so far as possible, Educational conferences shall be conducted at locations away from the center of the State of Iowa, and shall be moved from conference to conference, so as to encourage maximum participation of members and potential members throughout the state.
Section 2. The date and location of the Business Meeting and Educational Conferences of the association shall be determined by the Education and Training Committee subject to the approval of the Board of Directors.
Section 3. The election of officers shall take place in the Business Meeting. The newly elected officers shall assume responsibility thirty (30) days following the election.
Section 4. The election shall be conducted by written ballot. The written ballot form shall be suspended in favor of a voice vote upon unanimous consent of Active Members present. A majority of all votes cast shall be necessary to elect any officer.
Section 5. If more than two candidates are nominated, the name of the candidate receiving the fewest votes shall be dropped on each succeeding ballot until two names remain, unless on any ballot a candidate received a majority of all votes cast, in which event he or she shall be declared elected.
Section 6. All members of the association shall be entitled to the floor at the Business Meeting, educational conference, or at meetings of the Board of Directors. Only Active Members in good standing shall be entitled to vote upon motions before the association or in elections of officers.
Section 7. The presiding officer of the Business Meeting or Educational Conference shall be guided by the manual of ROBERTS RULES OF ORDER, (REVISED). 1. The order of the proceeding for the Business Meeting shall be as follows: 1. Call to order 2. Welcoming address 3. Presentation of addresses and papers 4. Unfinished business 5. Report of The Secretary-Treasurer 6. Committee Reports 7. New Business 8. Election of Officers 9. Adjournment 2. The order of the proceeding for the Educational Conference shall be as follows: 1. Call to Order 2. Welcoming address 3. Presentation of addresses and papers 4. Business (if necessary) 5. Adjournment
Section 1. All payment from the Secretary-Treasurer are subject to the following rules: 1. No checks are to be made payable to cash. 2. No cash reimbursements or payments in cash of greater than twenty-five dollars ($25.00). 3. Expenses up to and including one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00) requires prior approval by the Secretary-Treasurer. 4. Expenses exceeding one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00) needs prior approval over the signatures of the President and Secretary-Treasurer. 5. Payment to be made only upon presentation of original receipt or invoice from vendor.