From the President:
WELCOME – The Iowa Division of the International Association for Identification is a non-profit organization chartered in 1963 with the International Association for Identification. The Iowa I.A.I has over 200 active, life, and associate members who are valued resources within the forensic law enforcement community. Our membership has a vast knowledge in the scientific disciplines of fingerprints, photography, footwear, DNA, crime scene processing, and more. Our members believe in networking and they appreciate continued education and learning from our peers. We offer newsletters and information on our website about new technology, techniques, and resources. The Iowa I.A.I strives to educate and share with its members by offering trainings and an annual educational conference. We are Iowa’s regional representation to the I.A.I that certifies and sets standards in forensic science disciplines. We are always seeking people within the law enforcement/ forensic science community. If you are interested in becoming a member, please apply through our site. I am honored to be part of this organization and humbled in being the elected president for 2014/2015.
Brian Shock
President Iowa I.A.I.
Cedar Falls Police Dept.
220 Clay Street
Cedar Falls, IA 50613